
Home/Gan Golan

About Gan Golan

Gan is a NY Times bestselling author and artist. He was a co-­facilitator of the Arts & Culture working group of Occupy Wall Street and since has bottom­lined several occupy­ based art projects interventions using a networked approach. One of them, Tax Evaders, took place simultaneously in 12 cities. Gan worked as an arts coordinator for The Peoples Climate March and is currently a member of the People’s Climate Arts Collective.

What are Networked Social Movements?


Tahrir Square. 15M. Occupy Wall St. Gezi Park. Occupy Sandy. BlackLivesMatter NYC. <img class="aligncenter wp-image-11377 size-full" src="http://movementnetlab go to" alt="Network_Proposal_Banner_" width="859" height="189" srcset=" 859w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 859px) 100vw, 859px" /> Across the world we are seeing the dramatic emergence of powerful, mass social movements that defy traditional explanations and organizing theories. Dismissed by [...]

What are Networked Social Movements?2017-11-16T14:45:11-05:00